A young woman smiles as she walks to a bus to bring her to a temporary holding center for migrants, near the border line between Serbia and Hungary in Roszke, southern Hungary, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015.... 較多A young woman smiles as she walks to a bus to bring her to a temporary holding center for migrants, near the border line between Serbia and Hungary in Roszke, southern Hungary, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015. At least four countries Friday firmly rejected a European Union plan to impose refugee quotas to ease a worsening migrant crisis that Germany's foreign minister said was "probably the biggest challenge" in the history of the 28-nation bloc. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) 較少
歐洲國家幾乎袖手旁觀的態度以及大量難民湧入超出負擔,德國於13日宣布將重新實施境管,德國內政部長梅奇爾指稱(Thomas de Maiziere),德國願意幫助難民,但重申全歐洲都應該公平分攤,尤其部分國家不遵守難民首先到達的國家必須為難民登記的規定,因此決定恢復臨時邊界管制。眼看這波難民潮已經使《申根公約》面臨20年來最大危機,歐盟也決定14日召開緊急會議商討難民問題。
據《BBC》報導指出,德國內政部長德梅奇爾(Thomas de Maizière)13日召開記者會宣布啟動邊境管制。梅奇爾更強調:「德國已經表達願意幫助難民的意願,但這個意願不該被拖垮,全歐洲都應該公平分攤。」他還向其他鄰近國家喊話,要求歐盟成員國必須遵守難民在第一入境國就必給予避難登記的條例規定,因為過去這段時間,有些國家已經不遵守這項規定。